Welcome to the Bittensor mining community! This guide will introduce you to the basics of mining on Subnet 23 of the Bittensor network, covering what you need to know to get started and succeed as a miner.

What is Bittensor?

Bittensor is a decentralized, blockchain-based network designed to incentivize the creation and sharing of artificial intelligence (AI) models. Similar to Bitcoin, Bittensor uses a combination of Proof-of-Work (PoW) and Proof-of-Stake (PoS) mechanisms to validate transactions and secure the network, but it focuses on creating valuable AI-based commodities rather than just cryptographic hashes (algorithmic mining vs hash mining)


  1. System Requirements:
  2. Software Requirements:
  3. Benchmarking


  1. Checking Miner Scores

What is https://studio.nichetensor.com/?

The website studio.nichetensor.com hosts an application built using Streamlit, a tool for creating and sharing data apps. On this website, you can view miner rankings on scores sorted by model and UID.